Accessibility Tools

Name Position Phone
Akers, EvanAkers, Evan
Baxter, GaryBaxter, Gary Technology Assistant (574)-896-2148 x246
Benson, BethanyBenson, Bethany Life Skills Teacher (574) 896-2158
Bope, Margarita Bope, Margarita
Carpenter-Bejes, JillCarpenter-Bejes, Jill Aid
DeSabatine, CarolynDeSabatine, Carolyn Math (574) 896-2158 x276
Dudka-Milo, Mary AnnDudka-Milo, Mary Ann PE and Health (574) 896-2158 x278 x257
Eberhardt, RobertEberhardt, Robert Math and Business (574) 896-2158 x263
Frasure, TraceyFrasure, Tracey Library Aide (574) 896-2158 x236
Gappa, EricGappa, Eric Math (574) 896-2158 x274
Gardner, KendallGardner, Kendall
Gardner, MelanieGardner, Melanie English (574) 896-2158 x236
Goodman, BayleyGoodman, Bayley Sports Marketing Teacher (574)896-2158 x229
Hampton, JohnHampton, John PE (574) 896-2158 x258
Hampton, LeslieHampton, Leslie FACS/PowerSchool Manager (574) 896-2158 x242
Heims, AshleyHeims, Ashley
Howard, CarrieHoward, Carrie English (574) 896-2158 x250
Howard, EvanHoward, Evan Science/Earth Space Science (574)896-2158 x291
Hubbard, NancyHubbard, Nancy Treasurer and Cafeteria (574) 896-2128
Jones, StevenJones, Steven JAG (574)896-2158 x275
Kisela, ChrisKisela, Chris Resource Officer
Korcha, KristinKorcha, Kristin
Lambert, KyleneLambert, Kylene English (574) 896-2158 x251
Miller, KimMiller, Kim Social Studies (574) 896-2158 x232
Nower, BonnieNower, Bonnie
Sharkozy, MichaelSharkozy, Michael Athletic Director (574)896-2158 x223
Shelton, ShaynaShelton, Shayna Art
Shepherd, KadenShepherd, Kaden Art (574) 896-2158 x241
Shepherd, KendrickShepherd, Kendrick Math (574) 896-2158 x241
Shively, JonathanShively, Jonathan Agricultural Education (574) 896-2158 x279
Short, LoganShort, Logan Science (574) 896-2158 x260
Singleton, TylerSingleton, Tyler Math
Stefans, KarlStefans, Karl Band Director
Tillema, AmandaTillema, Amanda Science Teacher (574)896-2158 x277
White, StephanieWhite, Stephanie Special Needs (574) 896-2158 x243
Windbigler, HayleyWindbigler, Hayley
Wyller, CarolynWyller, Carolyn English (574) 896-2158 x248

Copyright © North Judson-San Pierre Schools

It is the policy of the North Judson-San Pierre School Corporation not to discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex (including gender identity and sexual orientation, age, or disability in its educational programs or employment policies as required by the Indiana Civil Rights Act, Titles VI and VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, the Equal Pay Act of 1973, Title II, Title IX and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973. ” Questions and concerns should be directed to the Title IX, Title II, and Section 504 Coordinator as follows: Mr M. Kelly Shepherd, Superintendent of Schools c/o North Judson-San Pierre Schools 801 Campbell Dr., North Judson, IN 46366 Phone: (574) 896-2155.